How to Learn Mandarin Languages

I had an interesting experience about the process of mastering learning Mandarin. Below is my right to tell my experience in learning Mandarin, following my experience, in the process of learning Mandarin:

I usually memorize vocabulary and talk about a theme more than an hour a day. I usually choose a theme on the market, of human frailty, about the book, and the figures of the world, and I also read articles about it every day at least one hour. Even in my spare day so love search for articles on the Internet or other media.

Chinese language is very important in my opinion, was influential later in the world of education and the world of work. I also heard that the information will be entered later Indonesia free market. Of course it could also be my passion in learning Mandarin. He said the Chinese language is the second language after English, right?

For me, my learning process was very beautiful. The most difficult to learn is to maintain the spirit. In the first and second day, I still spirit. But when the spirit of setbacks it was a great war. And, when we are not accustomed to doing it, I feel miserable.

I continued to practice until two years. I hold freedom as playing, dating, traveling, fishing, watching TV and other hobbies. Fasting was finally paid off with my prowess in Chinese. In the process of learning it, I do not just rely on the strength of memorization but also rely on logic. Learning any language is harnessing the power of memorization and power of logic. So we often hear experts say, that if you want to increase the intelligence of learning a foreign language, learn the language because it aligns your language and the language of others, and it was enough to squeeze your brain.

Malay proverb says, "rafting-raft upstream swimming to edge, ail first fun then, that proverb that describes the struggle of a person, who in turn get success. So patience when we proceeds in the fight is a requirement in the success.

In the process of learning, when I find it difficult, I noted the difficulty that and then I open my dictionary or ask the teacher. Some notes about the difficulties it then I memorized that trouble was increasingly lost. I'm sure everyone who already proficient in Mandarin definitely has a different experience with me. Because the essence of each study is able to manage the material and be able to manage time, coupled with hard work. Our pride in learning will only increase ignorance. Read the article mandarin, mandarin understands grammar, memorizing vocabulary and practice oral and written Chinese is my program every day when I fought in learning Mandarin. I bought several books on Chinese language and study books with Chinese dictionary.

Even I spend once a week to watch Chinese movies. I hired a Chinese film tapes in the Market, or I watch the Chinese-language films on YouTube. The program I do to add my insight, or to increase my vocabulary in Chinese.

Sometimes I also chat on the internet with Mandarin, even though I only say "good morning" or I just say "how things are over there", but it is very helpful to me in maintaining my enthusiasm and confidence in Chinese. I also never went to a nearby hotel in the area I just to want to talk to people who can speak Mandarin.

Good luck to you who are to pursue learning Mandarin. You will be rewarded struggle with your proficiency in Chinese. Each fasting certainly no reward. And every day fasting must be a feast.


Tentang penulis :

Marzuki Ibn Tarmudzi, pernah mencicipi sedikit segarnya lautan ilmu di Pondok Pesantren Bahrul ‘Ulum Tambakberas Jombang, Jawa Timur. Hobinya yang suka nyorat-nyoret kertas ini dimulai semenjak nyantri. Kini, hobinya itu dituangkan di berbagai media online, itung-itung sebagai aksi dari ; “بلغوا عني ولو أية “,” sampaikanlah dariku walau hanya satu ayat ”.