5 tips on selling online sales

Internet is not just a tool of information seekers, but now the Internet has been used as a means of buying and selling. There are some people who like to shopping online, but also many who love to do shopping in online stores, most of which prefer online shopping online shopping for it because they can save time and discounts.
Below I will provide tips for those of you who want to establish an online business so your business demand.
5 tips on selling online sales

1. Serve with a simple rule
I see a lot of online sites that implement some complicated rules on their sites in the transaction in their online stores. Usually with a custom script, there is the registered e-mail first and then enter the credit card number. I think it's too complicated. According to my survey, 70% of people over the tribe conduct transactions at online stores that are not complicated. They prefer to call the seller, SMS, BBM or chat. So if you are going to create online stores, I suggest quite simply by including a phone number and address of your facebook. Should you forget the online shopping system that complicated. I do not think the buyer is stuttering technology, but it is a reality in society.

2. Figure excellent good product
The online store should provide pictures of your sales in detail, it should not only give advice me.You photos from the front, but also the side, back in detail. It was to show that you are serious in selling. You should use a quality camera and bright lighting. I now use a Canon S100 camera, you can also use it. For quality cameras are expensive, but you can also use a pocket camera but you have to use good lighting. You can use two lamps for lighting study. Otherwise, if you have the heart to let buyers only look at your product from the front? What marketing expert says

3. Good Service
Good service is that you must always be ready and responsive when there are buyers who ask, and you should be friendly. Response can keep the buyer, because if you are not fast and responsive buyers can get bored and run walkin be bought. Store in the online world and online are the same in terms of service, you have to be quick and responsive. It is the result if you do not have employees.
Bottom line, if you are slow in service, the buyers to deal with you can go down, lost and ran. Then you should always stand by the SMS. And you must remember that your buyer is not a village or a whole world of local markets.

4. Have employees
Why should you have employees? Because you serve buyers all over the world, if you only work alone then you will be overwhelmed, if you are overwhelmed then aka tone your buyers are not addressed and escape. According to my survey, those who have a great online stores usually have a reseller. You can give discounts to your reseller. You can create a special page just for your resellers, there you make an agreement about their profits. And you have to keep a good relationship with your resellers, because without your reseller will not be able to reach a broader market. You do not show your vanity with your reseller.

5. Being a learner

The online store you are like you in the market stalls. You must learn your place, what are the best-selling merchandise in your place. You have to study the situation and conditions in your environment. Likewise, you should treat for your online store. You have to know the trend, you must know the market, you need to know about your product, if you do not understand your product well, what if someone asks for your product. On the internet you have to survey the buyer, where they often stop; facebook, twitter and others. You have to learn if you are already a strategic online store? With you doing a study on the netter

Tentang penulis :

Marzuki Ibn Tarmudzi, pernah mencicipi sedikit segarnya lautan ilmu di Pondok Pesantren Bahrul ‘Ulum Tambakberas Jombang, Jawa Timur. Hobinya yang suka nyorat-nyoret kertas ini dimulai semenjak nyantri. Kini, hobinya itu dituangkan di berbagai media online, itung-itung sebagai aksi dari ; “بلغوا عني ولو أية “,” sampaikanlah dariku walau hanya satu ayat ”.