6 Tips 2015, how To Keep Your Network Connection Work

www.wacanamarzuki.blogspot.comYou have to have attention to friends
Humans are creatures of God are complex to understand. Every human being has a unique distinction in comparison with other human beings. If the two brothers sat attend a seminar on the future, then they always have different penasiran about a beautiful future. Or two people viewing the same, they always have different views and tastes, about actors, or the storyline of the film.

The fact it teaches us to always understand others from their own side. Based on their own viewpoint. We should not interpret or implement something related to the others, based on our own viewpoint without listening to the point of view or opinions and their arguments.
Maybe one day your parents can not memasukka you to a particular school or university .. maybe someday your family can not help doing your chores. Or many other cases that do not meet your wishes. All this happens with certain reasons which cause they can not meet your expectations. Perhaps the limited budget allocations, possibly because of the time, or perhaps also because there are other more important things in their view. The things mentioned above will not disturb your future.

Do not underestimate the small matter
Usually we forget the little things, and pay attention to the big things alone. We are overwhelmed by the view that by doing or taking care of things that ebsar, will be able to give great prestige and pride. As a result, everyone is competing and vying to take care of a large, while small to be forgotten. While the complementary law states that a great life does not have any meaning in the absence of small things. Because everyone is focusing on the big things, the level of competition in the care of besarpun be sharp. Management ntuk time doing something which of the big affair, became dormant. As a result, we were unable to complete a single large affair.
Sometimes we think that the gift or birthday gift should be expensive. Sometimes we think that the family must call for a large and important news. Perhaps we also think that bekunjung to a friend, should be long. If so our perception, then almost no time and opportunity to do so.

Keeping agreement
Maintain confidence in the parents, family, friends, or even to educational institutions where our school is the right way to maintain the support and help them in achieving their goals. As part of them, you certainly will not go unnoticed. And it means you are not free to act or behave as you wish. They need assurance that the values, personality and your character always in harmony with the values ​​of that which they profess. It is a commitment between you and them. It can be stated implicitly or explicitly. You with them are committed to upholding the values ​​of life are considered noble.
One moment you might promise not to violate school rules. One moment you may be asked by parents and you promise to not smoke. One moment you may be asked to report the results of your periodically to them. One moment you may be promise not to use remittances parents to rent games and watch movies in theaters. All of it is a commitment that you must meet. Denial, will cause damage to trust them to you. It means you trust deposits in your emotional bank account is reduced.

Be open to the vision and mission
In going through the various activities of life, everyone always has hope. You and they have hope in life. The expectation is that the benefits will be obtained after making certain sacrifices. He became the driving force for us and their parents and families to sacrifice its resources.
As children and people who need help, you should take the initiative clearly and explicitly express your expectations to them. Thus they become aware of, and do not expect anything different from what you expect. You can also ask what their expectations of you

Demonstrate the seriousness
In the course of ideals, we used to ask something to the parents, and family or friends. The request is accompanied by the ability to do some things praiseworthy to meet the expectations of parents. Sometimes we express promise to help do chores friends. What we stated in the presence of parents, and friends theme us, even to the institutions in which we learn, is a verbal portrait of us.

Immediately peace if there is a conflict
Human beings are not perfect without a mistake and forgot. Humans even a container reside forget and forget. unusual thing is to let the fault or to justify and defend themselves despite knowing that he was guilty.
In a relationship with the people who help you, maybe we do mistake by breaking commitments or expectations that have been agreed. Maybe we are not to school because help friends afflicted. Maybe we did not visit the family home, because of busy school activities.

If this happens, then the right recipe is immediately apologized. Give explanation persuasively about the actual event.
You have to realize that what is happening now is a decrease in the amount of deposit in your account. And you have to be responsible for glorify number of the emotional bank account deposits.

6 tips to keep your network connection work tips 2015, networking, keep your network, new tips 2015

Tentang penulis :

Marzuki Ibn Tarmudzi, pernah mencicipi sedikit segarnya lautan ilmu di Pondok Pesantren Bahrul ‘Ulum Tambakberas Jombang, Jawa Timur. Hobinya yang suka nyorat-nyoret kertas ini dimulai semenjak nyantri. Kini, hobinya itu dituangkan di berbagai media online, itung-itung sebagai aksi dari ; “بلغوا عني ولو أية “,” sampaikanlah dariku walau hanya satu ayat ”.