In today English is the language that is very important in social interaction. Household appliances that now many are English, what`s more if we become factory workers almost all manual work tools use the English language. In English education there are usually several stages of the conversation, writing, and American English. In my article I will focus on five smart tips to learn to write articles in English.

I think at least we should be able to write in English because it can be utilized to write the article, follow the race, freelance article writing on the internet, and others. Below I will deliver 5 smart tips to learn to write articles in English.

5 smart tips to learn to write articles in English

1. A strong desire

In all matters relating to the ideals, I always stress to have the desire, because it is the basis of the initial desire you to achieve your goal. Desire will be your fortress in all obstacles exists. So I am always reminded to always keep your desire.

5 smart tips to learn to write articles in English

2. Memorize the first of at least 500-1000 vocabulary of everyday conversation.

Having vocabularies that are very important, it's as your capital in understanding your next sciences; this is my experience in learning to write in English. For example, you'll understand the examples in the book you learn, if you have the capital you can easily understand the examples.

5 smart tips to learn to write articles in English

3. Begin to understand the books of English grammar for beginners.

If you do not have English grammar book you can buy in a bookstore, you need capital. In the book the author usually sort the well where the lessons to be learned once and thereafter. You learn step by step and repeat your lessons to understand. The next day you have to repeat a lesson yesterday. This is how you can master the science.

5 smart tips to learn to write articles in English

4. Look for a light article and learn English grammar of the article.

Lots of articles minor in English, textbooks English language, magazines, or you can search the internet.

5 smart tips to learn to write articles in English

5. Start writing things lightly in English.

This phase aims to put into practice the knowledge that you have learned. Open English dictionary you if you have not memorized vocabulary. You should have a list of regular verbs and irregular verbs. At least you should understand the simple past tense, simple perfect tense, simple Future tense, and others. Tell you what, you print out 16 tenses it then you paste in your room wall, then when you need it you live to see. This process should you do regularly every day. I am sure you will be getting a great day.

Tentang penulis :

Marzuki Ibn Tarmudzi, pernah mencicipi sedikit segarnya lautan ilmu di Pondok Pesantren Bahrul ‘Ulum Tambakberas Jombang, Jawa Timur. Hobinya yang suka nyorat-nyoret kertas ini dimulai semenjak nyantri. Kini, hobinya itu dituangkan di berbagai media online, itung-itung sebagai aksi dari ; “بلغوا عني ولو أية “,” sampaikanlah dariku walau hanya satu ayat ”.