How to the Write of Discourse

Write is activity more active than read. This statement appears with a reason that a writer must active to thinking about object will be conveyed and then as active to write with easy   language in order that can be understood by another people. A writer produce something, because he always active. Otherwise a reader isn’t active because he just receive or consume something had been made by writer.

They hook between reading and writing in write language has similarity with scrutinize and speak (spoken language). Some people can be good speaker because had observer previously.  An observer will be important for some people before speak. Thus some people will be good writer if he has a read skill.

Another principle, that is imitate. Try observed how young men in the villager, they worked in thee field and caught fish. They taught with their involved I the activity as farmers or fishermen. They saw while hear instruction had been learned by their seniors. Thus someone can be good writer with imitate the method of another writer. More important, if you will be good writer is try and continue to try. Because a skill can be achievable if you always to do it. 


The topic is same understanding with problem or matter principal or in discuss mentioned with “discussion principal”.  Thus, a topic is the principal of the set of problems conveyed to discussed and solved with another method. Generally, a written is begun by a topic. After determine a topic, furthermore will be make a written plan, in order that the written be logical and chronological. After it, the plan of written begin to presented.

How to seek a topic?

Many people feel difficult when they will be determine or seek a topic. Whereas a topic can you take from your experiences. The people experiences are more various. There are heard, saw, read, even also they had walked in their lives. Despite all experiences can be a topic, but someone just can choose interesting topic and the subject matter can be understood, in other word, isn’t all have learned or read can continue be a topic.

Choose a topic will be chosen by someone. Usually people will seek utilitarian articles. Such as health, the recipe of food, etc. and important something will make people to nearby, in order that knows and understanding the something.

The choice of a topic as theoretical so easy to understanding but usually there is difficulty in the practice. Before the writing of mini thesis to obtain dokterandus degree, usually the student of university is asked by a university level instructor, “What problem will you discuss in your mini thesis to obtain dokterandus degree?

The methods of a topic determine?

Above had said that a topic that a topic taken from some people lives experience. The university student had experienced university lecturer in the college. A topic for the mini thesis to obtain dokterandus degree takes your love courses. Determine the topic of your mini thesis to obtain dokterandus degree from your love courses.

If you had determined the topic, don’t choose a topic too wide or otherwise. If too wide you will difficult to seek sub-subtopic and conversely. 

The framework of arrangement

Another name of arrangement is out line. This word more wears than the framework of arrangement. There is also anther name that is scaffolding. Why are we must make out line? Because with thinking logical is a reader easy to understanding a written. If you are arranging so, you shall play logic, it’s very important.

I.        The theory development of transformation
1.    At American
2.    At Europe
3.    At German
4.    At English
5.    At France

II.        The cause factor of language change
1.    Word calamity
2.    War
3.    Influence and interaction with another people
4.    Experience change by some people
I’m sorry I don’t can explain more, may be somehow I will explain again.

Tentang penulis :

Marzuki Ibn Tarmudzi, pernah mencicipi sedikit segarnya lautan ilmu di Pondok Pesantren Bahrul ‘Ulum Tambakberas Jombang, Jawa Timur. Hobinya yang suka nyorat-nyoret kertas ini dimulai semenjak nyantri. Kini, hobinya itu dituangkan di berbagai media online, itung-itung sebagai aksi dari ; “بلغوا عني ولو أية “,” sampaikanlah dariku walau hanya satu ayat ”.