how to write a screenplay: script make a movie

When I watch Korean cinema, full house I was inspired by Song Hye Kyo as the author of the screenplay, and I wrote this article. i love you Song Hye Kyo.

Before I write a few sentences about the scenario, I will write about definition script or scenario, is to describe all the elements of sound, visuals, action, and dialogue is needed to tell the story through the movie or TV.

Rare manuscript is the work of one person, but the script that is ready for films usually revised by several people, which is then used by the producer, director, and actor.
In writing the script you have to focus on writing, images and sounds, because The movie is a visual medium. Then you have to write your screenplay by means of visual and auditory include aspects of the story.
You need to read the texts movie, it as an example or inspiration in writing the manuscript. You need to live, how to describe the action, writing dialogue and describe the character and develop it.
You also need to write a script your concept in the making. And then you have to complete your concept to proceed in making the manuscript. You need details the details of the plot, the relationship between the characters, and the characters are required, the will fuse your story.
When you will start writing the script, you should write your story outline. Write with the basic groove your narrative. You focus on the conflict of the story; conflict sets the story.
Each one-page manuscript spent approximately one minute movie, so to play 2 hours, the length of your manuscript approximately 120 pages. If you are not yet a famous screenwriter, you should not write the script too long because of the possibility chosen by producers is very small.
The essence of a movie script is divided into three rounds; the first is the setting for the story. Recommend the world your story and character. The first round of about 30 pages, to comedy, 24 pages, you have to set the tone of the story, comedy, action, romance, and more. Secondly, this chapter is the main part of the story. Protagonist will have problems when going to resolve the conflict. Third, is half of conflict resolution and ending with the final Confrontation of the goal?
Next, you need to add a sequence, is part of a story that stands alone from the main conflict. Sequence usually along the 10-to-15 page, sequences growing niche to focus on on certain characters and have a different strain of the main cheerful, and Often Affect the main storyline.
Start writing scene. The scene is your movie events. The scene took a particular location and always aims to the make the storyline forward. If a scene does not have this purpose, the scene must be removed from the script. The scene that has no purpose would be Regarded as a lack of readers and destroy the story. Start writing the dialogue. If you already have a scene, you have to create a character to Interact. Dialogue can be one of the hardest things to be written. Each character requires a different sound and trustworthy.
Good dialogue is a dialogue that focuses on the story forward and character development. You do not have to worry about trying to show reality through dialogue, real conversations Because Often looks stiff and not hit. Your dialogue read aloud. Does it sound broken, too general, or excessive? Are all of your characters spoken in the same way?
If your manuscript is finished, show your manuscript to several friends and you ask reviews their opinions. The more friends from different backgrounds were the better because they are different and critique it as fertilizer for your development. Then you have to revise for an error.


Theory for beginner writers

Many people who want to be writers, but they are confused to begin with. They think about; what the first sentence I wanted to write? How do I look interesting posts to read? And a lot of questions in their brains. In fact, the more they think, they will never write. Thus, a great theory for beginners to be a writer is: do not think about the theory first.

If you want to become a great singer, do not ask the theory sing but sing. And you have to keep practicing to sing, if you want to develop continuously, you asked about the theory of singing. As well as if you want to be a great writer, then you should regularly practice writing. I believe every person who ever school can certainly write.

When friends heard a theory about writing, you should leave the first theory. You should write a course regardless of the theory. You can write your thoughts suit your writing skills, and I'm sure the more you practice writing more great also your ability to write.

why I advise you to leave the theory? Because if you keep thinking that theory, then you will be imprisoned by the theory. You can not freely in writing, because writing requires imagination, and imagination should fly into space wide. Train keeps your skills in writing, if you are stuck, you should look for that theory. You can learn from the senior author.

You can sit to directly meet their authors, seminars, trainings and reading their works. Theories by the great writer you should emulate and enjoy their theories, but if you've done a few things below;

You should already start to write 10 pages, you should start to write 50 pages, you have started writing a book not to publish a book. This is a proof of your seriousness in practice writing. And this also train your instincts in writing, which adjusts between the hand and the mind. You can continue to practice every day.

The theory will come to you, if you continue to write. And when you hear a theory, it is a theory that will be embedded in your mind, but if you have never practiced writing, then the theories that will be obsolete and dirt and makes you stupid because you are confined by the theory. So to find your theory is quite often practiced writing. And do not feel you would be a great writer. Make it easy for the theory to be a writer, which you do not think of the theory. Start writing!

Confidence is capital for success. You have to believe, that with each day you practice writing, then you will become a great writer. Confidence coupled with training and adds your writings with theories will make you a great writer. You have to be consistent in practice writing, you do not do these days to write a lot but tomorrow you do not write. Better you slightly but consistently it will increase your ability to write.
Every day you train your ability to write the more lost your difficulties in writing. Even if you send the manuscript has not been published yet, then you have to be patient and continue to practice writing. Then you will harvest, that your article will be published.
If you want to submit the manuscript click here

How to be the winner

By : Yuny Fikriyah Shofy 
A Class
Excelenly, Mr. Zainul arifin ihsan is our Director
Respectable, all of the teachers of EEC Nglundo Jombang
Honourable, Mr. Marzuki is our chief of Meeting program
Happy brother and sister, are loved by Allah
Before speaking more and more, lets thank and pray unto Allah Swt, who gives us mercies and blessing, so we can attend this meeting without any problems, and may Allah gives our Sholawat and salam to his last prophet Muhammad Saw.
As a speaker, I don’t forget to say thanks very much to MC, because he has given me opportunity to speak in this nice meeting.
Happy brothers and sisters
Standing in front of all, I should like to deliver my speech under the title “How to be The Winner”
Actually, every body is the winner. Before we was born, Allah gave us job to crowd. The world by prestation. And Allah gives different skill for each people. But some times, we don’t know what is our ability. Here, I`ll give you some steps how to be the winner. Who want to be the winner? I know every body wants.
The first step is, believe that you aren’t a loser. Sometimes is we be loser, we will be hope less, but if you understand that loser is the first step to be the winner. Then you must try to always product prestation working is the key. Memorize our motto “working is worship and prestation is beautiful”. So, invest in your mind that you are not a loser, but you are the future, and you can choose your contribution to that future!

The second is Lazy? Don`t ever think!
Lazy is the biggest reason why we want to do anything. Lazy can be caused by boring, tired, many problems, many duties and no spirits. And do you know how to miss it? Many ways to lose lazy. You can do refreshing, taking rest, solving your problems, and every body has his own way to lose lazy, if you still feel lazy it will have big effect for your future. So get spirit and try to do more and more!
The third step is, believe that you can!
Believe that you are able to do everything. In order that you know what is your skill and trust you can be success. Success is not the position you stand, but the direction which you look. If you believe that you are able, it will make your spirits and can get success.
The fourth and the lose step is manage your time, so you can be the winner. Time is very precious and valuable, because we only have once to feel it, if we lose the time, we can`t get anything. Time never comes back. Hassan Al-Banna said,”Time is life”. If we miss the time, so we also miss the life. Don`t weak your time and till the time by doing the best as you can. Make agenda for your time. So the time will make your best.
That is all that I can give to you, don`t forget to practice my tips and believe that you can be the winner.
Brothers and sisters
I do apologize to you all of my mistakes and I hope all as us can be the winner in each part. In the end, wassalamu`alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh. 

how to be a winner, winner, tip a winner, contoh pidato bahasa inggris,
pidato bahasa inggris, eec jombang, eec nglundo jombang, alumni eec jombang tahun 2008 

5 tips on selling online sales

Internet is not just a tool of information seekers, but now the Internet has been used as a means of buying and selling. There are some people who like to shopping online, but also many who love to do shopping in online stores, most of which prefer online shopping online shopping for it because they can save time and discounts.
Below I will provide tips for those of you who want to establish an online business so your business demand.
5 tips on selling online sales

1. Serve with a simple rule
I see a lot of online sites that implement some complicated rules on their sites in the transaction in their online stores. Usually with a custom script, there is the registered e-mail first and then enter the credit card number. I think it's too complicated. According to my survey, 70% of people over the tribe conduct transactions at online stores that are not complicated. They prefer to call the seller, SMS, BBM or chat. So if you are going to create online stores, I suggest quite simply by including a phone number and address of your facebook. Should you forget the online shopping system that complicated. I do not think the buyer is stuttering technology, but it is a reality in society.

2. Figure excellent good product
The online store should provide pictures of your sales in detail, it should not only give advice me.You photos from the front, but also the side, back in detail. It was to show that you are serious in selling. You should use a quality camera and bright lighting. I now use a Canon S100 camera, you can also use it. For quality cameras are expensive, but you can also use a pocket camera but you have to use good lighting. You can use two lamps for lighting study. Otherwise, if you have the heart to let buyers only look at your product from the front? What marketing expert says

3. Good Service
Good service is that you must always be ready and responsive when there are buyers who ask, and you should be friendly. Response can keep the buyer, because if you are not fast and responsive buyers can get bored and run walkin be bought. Store in the online world and online are the same in terms of service, you have to be quick and responsive. It is the result if you do not have employees.
Bottom line, if you are slow in service, the buyers to deal with you can go down, lost and ran. Then you should always stand by the SMS. And you must remember that your buyer is not a village or a whole world of local markets.

4. Have employees
Why should you have employees? Because you serve buyers all over the world, if you only work alone then you will be overwhelmed, if you are overwhelmed then aka tone your buyers are not addressed and escape. According to my survey, those who have a great online stores usually have a reseller. You can give discounts to your reseller. You can create a special page just for your resellers, there you make an agreement about their profits. And you have to keep a good relationship with your resellers, because without your reseller will not be able to reach a broader market. You do not show your vanity with your reseller.

5. Being a learner

The online store you are like you in the market stalls. You must learn your place, what are the best-selling merchandise in your place. You have to study the situation and conditions in your environment. Likewise, you should treat for your online store. You have to know the trend, you must know the market, you need to know about your product, if you do not understand your product well, what if someone asks for your product. On the internet you have to survey the buyer, where they often stop; facebook, twitter and others. You have to learn if you are already a strategic online store? With you doing a study on the netter

How to Learn Mandarin Languages

I had an interesting experience about the process of mastering learning Mandarin. Below is my right to tell my experience in learning Mandarin, following my experience, in the process of learning Mandarin:

I usually memorize vocabulary and talk about a theme more than an hour a day. I usually choose a theme on the market, of human frailty, about the book, and the figures of the world, and I also read articles about it every day at least one hour. Even in my spare day so love search for articles on the Internet or other media.

Chinese language is very important in my opinion, was influential later in the world of education and the world of work. I also heard that the information will be entered later Indonesia free market. Of course it could also be my passion in learning Mandarin. He said the Chinese language is the second language after English, right?

For me, my learning process was very beautiful. The most difficult to learn is to maintain the spirit. In the first and second day, I still spirit. But when the spirit of setbacks it was a great war. And, when we are not accustomed to doing it, I feel miserable.

I continued to practice until two years. I hold freedom as playing, dating, traveling, fishing, watching TV and other hobbies. Fasting was finally paid off with my prowess in Chinese. In the process of learning it, I do not just rely on the strength of memorization but also rely on logic. Learning any language is harnessing the power of memorization and power of logic. So we often hear experts say, that if you want to increase the intelligence of learning a foreign language, learn the language because it aligns your language and the language of others, and it was enough to squeeze your brain.

Malay proverb says, "rafting-raft upstream swimming to edge, ail first fun then, that proverb that describes the struggle of a person, who in turn get success. So patience when we proceeds in the fight is a requirement in the success.

In the process of learning, when I find it difficult, I noted the difficulty that and then I open my dictionary or ask the teacher. Some notes about the difficulties it then I memorized that trouble was increasingly lost. I'm sure everyone who already proficient in Mandarin definitely has a different experience with me. Because the essence of each study is able to manage the material and be able to manage time, coupled with hard work. Our pride in learning will only increase ignorance. Read the article mandarin, mandarin understands grammar, memorizing vocabulary and practice oral and written Chinese is my program every day when I fought in learning Mandarin. I bought several books on Chinese language and study books with Chinese dictionary.

Even I spend once a week to watch Chinese movies. I hired a Chinese film tapes in the Market, or I watch the Chinese-language films on YouTube. The program I do to add my insight, or to increase my vocabulary in Chinese.

Sometimes I also chat on the internet with Mandarin, even though I only say "good morning" or I just say "how things are over there", but it is very helpful to me in maintaining my enthusiasm and confidence in Chinese. I also never went to a nearby hotel in the area I just to want to talk to people who can speak Mandarin.

Good luck to you who are to pursue learning Mandarin. You will be rewarded struggle with your proficiency in Chinese. Each fasting certainly no reward. And every day fasting must be a feast.


Tentang penulis :

Marzuki Ibn Tarmudzi, pernah mencicipi sedikit segarnya lautan ilmu di Pondok Pesantren Bahrul ‘Ulum Tambakberas Jombang, Jawa Timur. Hobinya yang suka nyorat-nyoret kertas ini dimulai semenjak nyantri. Kini, hobinya itu dituangkan di berbagai media online, itung-itung sebagai aksi dari ; “بلغوا عني ولو أية “,” sampaikanlah dariku walau hanya satu ayat ”.