5 Things That Because Bleeding Gums

It is my experience, that I often experience bleeding gums. I have experienced since the first, but I did not care for my gums this problem. This problem is not a pain in the gums, but these issues are not comfortable making my mind.

One day I met with the doctor, and then I asked about the problem, what causes gums to bleed? The doctor answered with a clear, that there are several causes that can cause your gums bleed frequently.

Below I will write 5 causes bleeding gums is based on the medical certificate. I hope my writing can change your attitude towards your health gums.

1. You are too rough in tooth brushing

Rude attitude when you're brushing your teeth is can cause your gums to bleed. If you brush your teeth, gently rub the gums so that you do not get hurt. If your gums hurt it can cause your gums to bleed. Gums that bleed make you uncomfortable.

You need to learn how to brush their teeth. You can ask your teacher, how to brush their teeth. How to brush their teeth so as not to cause your gums to bleed? Brush your teeth must be no science.

2. The buildup of tartar

Tartar buildup can cause your gums to bleed. The buildup of tartar is usually caused by the attitude of those who do not maintain the cleanliness of your gums. Your laziness in dental hygiene causes leftovers stuck in your teeth and gums. Stacking leftovers if you let it will cause your gums to bleed.

You should brush your teeth regularly. Now I am getting used to brush your teeth three times a day. If you regularly brush their teeth three times a day, then your teeth and gums clean, healthy and you also. You also will be confident when meeting your partner. And you also will be confident if a grin to everyone.

3. The effects of drugs are consumed regularly and active smokers.

There are some people who like to consume drugs, ie, drugs such as to maintain the health remains excellent. For those who like to consume drugs, they must keep their teeth and gums. Due to continuous drug consumption causes the gums to them no good if he does not keep cleaning the teeth and gums. And this can cause their gums bleed.

Active smokers should be more diligent brushing his teeth, because the nicotine in cigarettes can be attached to the teeth and gums when they smoke. It should be noted for those who like to smoke. So the dangers of smoking are not only written on the wrapper, but also can cause tooth and gum bad for them.

4. The quality toothbrush ugly

Poor quality toothbrush can mislead badly against your teeth and gums. So when you buy a toothbrush, you do not opt
​​for a cheap price, you have to choose because of the good quality toothbrush. Choose a toothbrush that has delicate fibers.

5. Dental cavities

Cavities according to the dentist are a serious problem. The cause cavities because no dental hygiene, so that the bacteria live in the teeth.


I expressed this opinion 8, not because I agree with the opinion that says that Borobudur temple is legacy Solomon. I am writing this opinion just because you want to publish to fill the posts in my blog. Agree or not it is none of your business. Ok!

I will write 8 opinions below are those of Fahmi Basya, is a math teacher Islam. He examined the Qur'an since 1972 so he claimed that the temple of Borobudur is a relic of Prophet Solomon. 8 opinions I write below is just a small part his thoughts. All of the opinions he is the result of research of the Qur'an, then the evidence is reinforced by the Qur'an. But below I am not going to write the verses of the Qur'an.

Below I will write 8 opinions alone, which says that the temple is a relic Borobudur Solomon.

1.   The tabut is a coffin-shaped box, it belonged to David, were given to Solomon. According to scientists in the tabut contained the Psalms, the Torah, and the attachment of Moses. Ark is believed to be able to give you peace. In Borobudur also tabut in relief, in relief, there tabut guarded by humans.

2.   In the Borobudur temple there is a statue called Solomon unfinished. He said, first when the Jin are building a temple, and they hear when Solomon died, they also leave the job.

3.   In the Borobudur temple is found high buildings such as statues and other buildings, it was because the first King Solomon ordered the Jin to build up a high building.

4.   In the reliefs of Borobudur temple there are many animals that range, it is a sign that Solomon used to being able to speak to animals. Is not the history of writing it?

5.   Regional Saba in Indonesia. People usually refer to Wonosobo in Central Java. According to the ancient Javanese literature `Wana` means forest. So, wanasaba means Saba Forest. Saba means it is a place that used to gather. When the hoopoe bird around and find people gathered it, he told the king Solomon, that there are areas of Saba.

6.   In the vicinity of the temple of Borobudur are Maja fruit, which tastes very bitter. That said, when there was a flood in the area Saba, many trees are turned into bitter.

7.   In Java typically names of people starting with 'su', as well as the name of Sulaiman in the java.

8.   Previously Solomon had sent a letter addressed to the Queen of Saba. According to Fahmi Basya, the letter was written on the plate. And it can be found in the pool at the Queen Boko Temple, which is about 36 kilometers from the temple of Borobudur.

Tentang penulis :

Marzuki Ibn Tarmudzi, pernah mencicipi sedikit segarnya lautan ilmu di Pondok Pesantren Bahrul ‘Ulum Tambakberas Jombang, Jawa Timur. Hobinya yang suka nyorat-nyoret kertas ini dimulai semenjak nyantri. Kini, hobinya itu dituangkan di berbagai media online, itung-itung sebagai aksi dari ; “بلغوا عني ولو أية “,” sampaikanlah dariku walau hanya satu ayat ”.