How to Decide on Business That Work for You

Its title is the title of Milton Chang in his book, he is an independent Professional. He said that you duly prefer work that you loved, capable, and unique. If you like what do you do, you will not going to feel as load. Otherwise, you will think that is something makes you happy. Finally, you will be more spirit and diligent in the work. You will effort to do the best. And you will more strong when there is problem. If you have a hobby such as writing, cooking, sewing, draw, singing, handicraft, or if you have interest and talent such as automotive, computer, language, electronic, music, sport, etc, can you trying expand as fertile field for working as diligent.

To become independent professional you must always try and try in order that you have special expertise that can become the base financial capital of yours business. The one of indication that you have capability in the case that you are the diligent is if you feel rightfully proud with result yours work. And you don’t hesitant show to people. Thus wherever you will go, people will remember and pursuing you to get yours capability.  

If you will out be good performance in your skill. You must have unique something, it’s in order that you are difficult to defeated by competitor. With this unique you can show different performance and easier to introduced by industry where you are work. If you have skill about photography, you can seek specialization, example: special photographer for advertising, or you have skill as English language translator, you can focus in the case, example law, financial, or the worker. 

The development self also can conducted with always innovative think in the looking for fresh idea, new method, and unique variation that can offered. There are many things that can you conducted for invent a chance to work, the one through independent professional. This method has been many loved by people whom offer a service, because this method don’t use too money, but also by entrepreneur, because unnecessary wearing permanent salary cost with subsidy for get specific service with high competence. Interested to trying? Manure your skill and knowledge, and built your relation with many people. Do you know Robert T Kiyosaki; he has skill, knowledge, or experience as businessman, lecturer, and writer for offered as solution to another people, both consultant and books.

Tentang penulis :

Marzuki Ibn Tarmudzi, pernah mencicipi sedikit segarnya lautan ilmu di Pondok Pesantren Bahrul ‘Ulum Tambakberas Jombang, Jawa Timur. Hobinya yang suka nyorat-nyoret kertas ini dimulai semenjak nyantri. Kini, hobinya itu dituangkan di berbagai media online, itung-itung sebagai aksi dari ; “بلغوا عني ولو أية “,” sampaikanlah dariku walau hanya satu ayat ”.